Top 10 Mistakes (Most) Acrylic Pourers Make

I’m excited about writing this article, because I could come up with at least 60 mistakes I’ve made in my acrylic pouring journey. Such an easy topic for me to write about! But honestly, I’m a little nervous to write about mistakes. It’s a negative topic, and I really don’t want to discourage anyone who is excitedly plowing ahead with pouring, giving very little thought to mistakes they might be making.

I can still VIVIDLY remember my 35-year-old daughter telling me—when she was only in elementary school—“Mom, why can’t you just let me make my own mistakes so I can learn from them?” Ugh—stab to the heart.

Meme 1
Meme 2

So, reader, you have been warned: I’m going to tell you what “not” to do.
NUMBER 10… (Yes, I’m doing them in reverse—calm down, you’ll be okay.)

10. Pouring for the money

Don’t get me wrong, you can make some money selling your paintings and/or other items you make, like Christmas ornaments, jewelry, and furniture. AND GOOD FOR YOU IF YOU CAN SUPPORT YOURSELF DOING ART!

But let’s be honest, unless you are a great salesperson, good at marketing your products, and, in some cases, technologically savvy, it can be a tough way to earn an income. Just remember two things:

    • There is a legitimate reason the phrase “starving artist” was coined.

Meme 3

    • Don’t quit your day job. At least not yet.

On a side note, to complement your Acrylic Pours, I highly recommend using a Cricut Machine (my personal favourite is the Explore Air 2 machine) to design and print yourself beautiful crafts on all sort of supports. Check it out here!  Now back to mistake number 9.


9. Not having all the necessary supplies ready before you begin

Now, this may seem obvious to some of you, but you’d be surprised how many people just race to their local craft store and buy four tubes of their favorite colors plus a couple of canvases and run back home to begin throwing paint together in a cup and dumping it on the canvas, expecting brilliant works of art.

Unless you are a savant artist, it takes some time to achieve this level of success. It is very important to get your supplies ready and have everything you need before you begin pouring…IF you want to have decent looking results. See my pouring supplies guide for help in getting ready to pour.

8. Not doing your research

It’s easy to join a Facebook group like Acrylic Pouring and watch all the pretty pictures enter your feed every day, giving you the encouragement to jump right in. The mistake you are making is seeing the beautiful pour and immediately asking, “How did you do that?”

The very first thing you should be doing is going to YouTube to look at the (LITERALLY) tens of thousands of videos showing you EXACTLY what to do and EXACTLY how they did that. Spend about 10 hours (minimum) looking at “how to” videos before you go directly to Facebook groups and ask folks how they did that. I guarantee you that EVERY single question you have will be answered by watching these videos. is, of course, the best place to start and specifically I’d start with these free articles:

Acrylic Pouring Supplies

Acrylic Pouring Techniques

How To Do Your First Pour

Acrylic Pouring Medium Guide

Acrylic Pouring Overview, Tutorial, and How To

If you want to condense the research time and really just get started with what works best then I’d consider getting our ebook or our video course.

I can also highly recommend:

Myriam’s Nature
Ann Osborne
Odeta Dixon
Suave Arts

I recommend these sites in particular because this is how I learned how to pour. If you reference my earlier article, “Confessions of a Pouraholic“, you’ll see my other list of “go-to” artists I learned from.

7. Posting your first (or second) effort on Facebook looking for praise, only to hear… crickets

I know you had fun, and you are so amazed at what you created, but you need to trust me when I say that unless you are naturally talented and/or already a professional artist—it probably looks uh, ummm…not so good. It is so exciting to join the group and post your new baby, but we all know why you did it. The same reason we ALL DID IT. We wanted someone, lots of someones, to tell us we had just created the most magnificent piece of art the world has ever known.

But why not wait until you’ve done two more? Ten more? Ok, more like 25 more. You’ll look back on that first one with complete embarrassment and hope you discover some way to get rid of it.

It’s comforting to get “Likes” on Facebook and to have 30 of your best friends (whom you’ve never met) tell you that you are a genius. I know—I search for that kind of true connection to my fellow humans, too. But, it is so much more gratifying when the compliments are deserving.

Give yourself some time to get better (not perfect), and I promise you you’ll get your reward and it will be genuine. Perfect example is this beautiful pour by Mr. Mika Kunert. Everything this gentleman posts is a true work of art. Every compliment he receives is heartfelt. Check out his work.

Mika painting

6. Rushing

This encompasses everything from mixing the paints too fast and/or not enough, and not allowing the paint and pouring medium to get to know one another (as my daughter says, “to percolate”). This is not a sprint; it is a marathon.

The longer you take to mix your paint and the longer you take to decide what type of pour to do, the better the outcome. This is an incredibly meditative hobby, if you allow it to be. Enjoy selecting your color palette. Enjoy mixing your paints. Enjoy the actual pour. Enjoy tilting your canvas. Enjoy the act of creating something unique, one-of-a kind, NEVER TO BE DUPLICATED.

Now for the hard part. Take your gloves off and leave it alone. There is still so much happening, but this is part of the fun. Watch your cells develop and the colors run together. It is incredibly relaxing.

Now, this video you are about to watch was taken on the first day my daughter taught me how to pour. This was number four. (I believe we cranked out 10 that day.)

Note: No apron, no gloves (bad girl), with my grandkids and 4-year-old (other) daughter making all kinds of racket in the background. Stuff everywhere, in a rented summer house. We didn’t have a clue what we were doing, and we wasted A LOT of paint.


Now I paint when I’m alone, in my own home, with NO distractions. I don’t even like music playing. I take my time and zone out. I SLOW DOWN.

5. Not getting familiar with the color wheel

I would wager that very few of us here have a degree in art history or have studied basic color theory. Fear not; there is help for those who are not naturally in tune with their inner color palette. If you have ABSOLUTELY no clue what I’m talking about, it is this:

Which colors go well together, and which do not?

It’s great to say your favorite color is maroon, but if you pair it with brown, all you achieve is a very unattractive pour. These two colors are too close in the color wheel and do not complement one another—they repel. Watching, studying, and becoming comfortable with the color wheel will be extremely handy as you learn how to pour.

Here’s a simple video to get you started:

4. Not removing pets from your work area

I see countless posts on Facebook about animals who have ruined a favorite pour by walking on it, running through it, placing a paw on it, or shedding their fur all over the place. I think this mistake speaks for itself.

Meme 4
Meme 5
Meme 7

3. Expecting professional artist results on the first pour

I don’t really know how to elaborate on this one because…well…it’s just silly. Like everything in life, it takes time, effort, and persistence to become good at acrylic pouring. It takes dedication, passion, and drive to become great. Give yourself a break. Enjoy the time you are learning and improving.

2. Not protecting your possessions

I don’t care how careful you are or how neat you think you will be, you are going to get paint on something. If you are like most of us, you are going to get paint on EVERYTHING.

Before I began wearing gloves all the time, I was ruining my skin and cuticles in particular. Paint was stuck under my nails and I had to cut them down to remove it. Of course all my clothes have paint on them, and no, it doesn’t come out.

It’s on my chair, my desk, the floor mat, the carpet, the baseboard, my computer, my cell phone, the wall. Is there any place that it’s not on? It’s on the linoleum in my bathroom, on the porcelain of my sink. My husband showed me a work shoe of his that had a big yellow splotch on it. Yikes! This is obviously THE biggest mistake acrylic pourers make. Well, THIS pourer at least.

1. Not starting because you are:

  • Afraid
  • Too old
  • Messy
  • Too sick
  • Working
  • Too tired
  • Living in a small space
  • A pet owner
  • “Not an artist”

Get out there and pour! You can do it. And you WILL get better. I promise.

I hope this has been informative and given you some good tips to prevent unnecessary mistakes. As always, don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts and share your own mistakes. I love how we all connect in some way.

Happy Pouring.

Top 10 Mistakes (Most) Acrylic Pourers Make - Acrylic Pouring

Top 10 Mistakes Most Acrylic Pourers Make Acrylic Pouring

75 thoughts on “Top 10 Mistakes (Most) Acrylic Pourers Make”

  1. I really loved this article Patricia. Thank you. Brought it all back to me, all those early mistakes.

    1. Btw, the kittens that are purple, blue, or green are not cases of pets getting into your craft kit.

      A small dog or a cat dyed like that, is meant to be used as a “bait” animal in dog fighting.

      Just thought you’d appreciate a heads up.
      And if you see these animals in a shelter, please adopt!

    2. As if you all don’t do it for the money Cheap easily written article with no useful information on actual pouring at all.
      And everyone already knows this stuff. Art should be playtime. Not shit you learn in grade school.

    3. This article was great. I am just doing my research now before I actually do my first pour so I greatly appreciate your help and input. Thank you Patricia.

  2. Annie Littlewolf

    I would add that buying cheap paint/mediums/canvases might be okay for early practice runs, but if you want quality pours and if you have your technique down and have followed the above advice, then go ahead and get the good quality paints, mediums and canvases – they make SUCH a difference! I have tried using cheaper paints and they just do not work. I have been unhappy with each pour done with them. I use the better paints (like Golden Acrylic Flow) and my pours have turned out so much better. It is not that I pour better, it is that the pour itself goes better – the colors are deeper and truer and STAY that way while they dry.

    1. I have made wonderful pours using cheaper paints, canvasses and pouring mediums. With some exceptions:
      1. Metallic paints do not mix as well with homemade pouring mediums, the results are hugely better with Floetrol.
      2. When buying inexpensive canvasses, you need to ensure that they are the shape that they are supposed to be and that the canvas weave is not too coarse because it will always show through the paints. Also, it is a good idea to cover them with an extra layer of black or white before doing the pour.
      3. Alcohol does not always mix well with homemade pouring mediums.
      4. Cheap frames are generally thinner than more expensive ones, and can warp with time. Nailing a couple of cross-slats on the back or putting the painting in a frame (without glass) will stabilize it – Tip: Old wooden window frames are wonderful for this.

  3. A well written information guide for novices and diehard artists
    No digressing simple straight facts any artist ,would be or experinced artist can benefit in some way to this info
    Thank you

    1. From someone “new” to this style of art but who has created art onamy forms most of her able life..this list frusterated me. I was looking for i guess more technical things not to do. Not opinion based dont do art for money..spend hours watching others so u can have the perfect results..maybe so many other people on this planet i just do art for ME and because its a passion im not looking for fame or likes or validation art does that for me in itself. I enjoy it bcuz its expression and creation and relaxing and FUN. Please take into consideration not all of your viewers are out to genome a famous artist or make money..some are just here to learn ideas.

  4. oh i’m renting the place i live at, and there’s carpet everywhere! I can’t stain things, they are not mine. How do I prepair?..

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Oh I’m so happy you asked. You can go to Walmart/Dollar Stores, even hardware stores and buy big sheets of plastic. Even a shower curtain will work. COVER THE CARPET WHEREVER YOU PLAN TO WORK. I have my desk covered with a clear shower curtain and I can wipe it down but after a couple of months I just replace it. Tape it down. If you are working near walls, go ahead and put plastic up there too. If you are able to leave everything in one place then make it plastic covered everywhere. If you have to transport a painting from one room to another for drying – THIS IS HOW I SPILLED PAINT THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME – then ensure you have your pathway covered. Pick out two or three granny gowns (or whatever you like) and make these the things you always wear when you paint. YOU WILL GET IT ON EVERYTHING YOU WEAR. Hope this helps.

    2. Carolynne Taylor

      Or, cover floors and furniture with cheap rubber backed curtains from op shops

  5. Nancy Jane Rad

    I found myself nodding and smiling at each of your top ten because they all described my journey. I created a basement workspace now (my entire first floor of my house is covered in paint from my earlier days!) and retreat to the basement and lose myself in creating. Thank you for reminding me of how far I have come on this journey and how much more I need to learn!!

  6. When we prepared to sell our rather new house, we found large rolls of adhesive-back (very light amt of stick) clear carpet path protector. It protects the surface beneath it and comes up easily! I use it a LOT in my studio particularly around work benches set up for Pouring classes. The floors are protected, but nobody needs to fear tripping on the edges. After each class, I just lift up & pitch.Also always use the disposable shoe covers on each students’feet ???? Those are removed & pitched if anyone leaves the work benches.

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Ok Deborah, YOU need to write the next article- BRILLIANT things to do when Pouring!

  7. Sharron Farnell

    Thank you both of you, Deby and Patricia. I have been following Deby since last October and , so I thought, knew ‘everything’!!! Big mistake!!! I have just read Patricia ‘s “Ten Mistakes” and realise that I still have a long way to go. Thank you so much .. I have made all of the ‘ten’ I am now going to work on my progress, not be in a hurry to get to the masterpiece, concentrate on my journey with my art and stop watching too many Facebook groups, be selective with whom I follow .
    Thank you again ladies …

    Kind regards
    Sharron Farnell

  8. OMG That was definitely the best and most helpful video that I have seen. . Strangely I have done just about everything the article said, like watching videos like there was not tomorrow, the only thing I “failed” in was buying every color under the sun. Well actually I did not buy them, I put them on my birthday list and everybody was so happy to know what I wanted I can now open a paint store LOL. However for the future lists, I will reduce the colors to the 3 primary and study and restudy the video.. At 70 at will take a little while to remember all:>) Thank you for the work you went through to teach beginners by telling them what not to do

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Elke-you’re 70 and a beginner at Acrylic Pouring? Woo Hoo! That is inspirational. I applaude you for trying something new and thank you so much for sharing your own mistakes. Hugs to you.

  9. Shawna Oertley

    Great, realistic article – and no fears – it’s still very inspiring! I agree with Deborah Sherl – I’d buy it in poster format! Thanks so much!!

  10. Still studying, watching, learning, prepping my basement, all that good jazz, but have already totally failed at the don’t go out and buy all the colors on the planet… This is invaluable information and I thank you so much for putting it together! My biggest worry is the mess, since I’m a person who can take a teaspoon of glop (the nastier/more destructive the worse) and create a roomful of disaster – so extra thanks on the tips on keeping the paint (mostly) in the painting space, if not on the painting!

    1. Glad you found Patricia’s tips helpful, Debbie! And I think we can all relate with the excitement of buying as many colors for our pours.

  11. Thank you so much for all the info. I recently lost my husband, and have not painted or poured in 5 months. I am ready to get into once again. I am in a new home, and worried but the mess. but I am determined to get started once again. My biggest thing is what the most common recipe for paint to medium and silicon are. I sure need help in these areas. Thanks Carole

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Hi Carole – I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have close friends or family near to help you through this tough time. Haven’t poured in five months hmmm. I stopped for one month and found I almost had to learn all over again. I spent that time doing other creative things and seemed to have lost my mojo for the first three pours. If you experience the same thing, hang in there. I wouldn’t try anything too large until you get back in the groove of things and remember what you had forgotten. 🙂 I’m not one for recipes necessarily. At first I was, I hounded everyone on the internet asking for their recipes and tried them all and then one day it just came to me and I just let it happen, kind of the way I cook. A little of this, a little of that, ooooh, I have some Jalapenos?? But back to your question. I use a small bathroom dixie cup and put in my paint, less than half full. Then I add equal amounts of Floetrol and stir, and stir and stir. Sometimes I just cover the mixture with Glad Press and Seal and come back to it the next day and stir some more. To ME, the key to pouring well is to let the two products meet up and really spend some time together before introducing the silicone. I’ve actually got bottles of paint and floetrol sitting on my counter that I’ve mixed over a month ago and haven’t used yet. When I’m ready to pour, I’ll put some of the color and floetrol mixture into my cup and add one to two drops of KY True Feel. Then I put the stir stick into the mixture for one turn and we’re done. That is MY recipe. I get HUGE cells everytime. Check out my Etsy site and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

      I hope this has helped you and I look forward to seeing some of your pours on Facebook. Please tag me.

  12. You are an excellent writer. Really enjoy your conversational style. Your articles are very fun to read and I feel like we could be best friends. Great helpful content too. Thanks!

    1. Patricia Fuller

      rohojournal, Thanks so much for that lovely compliment. I’ve got a smile from ear to ear that won’t go away. You have totally made my day. Please send me a friend request. ????

  13. Your tips will be very helpful to me as I have had one pouring failure after another and cannot get cells at all but now I think that the tip about letting the paint and medium marry up for a while is a very good one as I have never let the paint and medium sit for long because i become too enthusiastic and start pouring immediately and just ruin it all! I have also watched so many “how to” videos on this subject that i have a huge amount of confusion going on in my head so I will do as suggested in you tips, just relax and find something that works and stick to that. I have all the colors in existence also and have made a huge investment in art supplies just for pouring and have managed to add a lot of clutter to my small basement where i try to paint and now the clutter is driving me crazy as it is very distracting. All of this just takes time to learn and if one does actually learn from one’s own mistakes then I will be an expert one day.
    Thank you for the great tips.

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Jeanne, thank you for the kind words. I’m glad my article has helped you see through the fog. Just remember, we’ve ALL been there, done that. You are not alone.

  14. Thank you! I have experienced some of the same, yet you warned of a few I’d not yet encountered. Your tips offset the so-called negativity that you were worried about so KUDOS for posting anyway. We all need to know that we’re not alone…somehow it’s comforting to know others make mistakes too…even artists, like you. So again, THANK YOU! Great article!

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Andrea, thank so so much. You are very kind and I appreciate the compliments.

  15. Kathy Gartrell

    This was sooo me 2 years ago when I started pouring! I thought my first pour was fabulous! Really?? Yuck!!! Love your color wheel video! Boy did I have some muddy pours ! All 10 mistakes are right on!!!
    I’ve come a long way watching hundreds of YouTube videos & joining pouring groups on Facebook! I now have a pouring page & selling! I love adding mixed media like glitter, stones & glitter with my resin!
    Thank you!!!!!

    1. Patricia Fuller

      Kathy – I love it when I find people who’ve experienced the same (mistakes) things I have. Doesn’t make me feel so foolish. Glad to hear you are selling. Congratulations!

  16. Patricia! I enjoyed reading this post all the the way through. Particularly your bio, as we could very well be neighbors! My family and I live in PC also!
    I’ve recently become …eh, hum… maybe a little obsessed with pouring! My kids think it’s the coolest thing and are begging to get their hands on some pour cups!!
    Thank you for this list! It’s a kind reminder to be gentle with ourselves and to love what we do!

  17. I enjoyed your article and every bit of it made sense! Thank you for taking the time to write. Art takes time …so take your time. I have a tendency to rush. For months I have been watching videos, reading peoples methods, mixtures, etc. At the top of the list of frustration is wasted product. Of course, that’s expected but hopefully research, and patience, will minimize it.
    I appreciate the links-they’re all new to me.
    The work by Mika Kunert is indeed beautiful and inspiring. Would love to experience that level of talent!

  18. No matter what i try all my colours mix into one on the canvas and all my cells disappear by the time it’s dry
    It’s my 6th pour and im just totally not able to enjoy spending my money on pour medium only to get plain grey

  19. Thank you for the good advice.
    I’m a 59 yr old baby in the pour world.
    Suppose that you could say the same for the blog world because tutus is the first time I’ve read one! Life kept me too busy til now. At least that’s the excuse I tell myself.
    In excited about the journey I’m now on and I’m more excited about fluid art being part of it.
    The words dirty pour, pour and dip, string pull, kiss pour, pour and slide, flip cup, resin pour, Dutch pour, all excite me.
    In the future I can see myself pouring my ❤ out.
    Thank you again for the share.

  20. Charette Dersch

    Thank you so much for writing this! I have just started and it was so helpful to not have to re-invent the wheel and make all the same mistakes. What I most appreciated was the permission to MAKE mistakes! I tend to be a perfectionist and I definitely didn’t start for a long time, even after I bought all the supplies because I was scared. It was nice to see you address this as well. It’s hard to continue because I’m afraid of failing. It’s good too know it’s part of the process and even the great “pourers” started there too!

  21. Good article for beginners, thank you for posting. As I read through it, several more mistakes came to mind, but they were ones I experienced after I was no longer a beginner, but still needed guidance. You are so right when you say do your research, however, every T, D, & H can make a YT video and 75% of them are not good to learn from, so I am certain I speak for thousands of people when I say, Thank God for Acrylic!!!

  22. Beverly KaplanNelson

    Thank you so much for your article and the time it took you to ride it it was most helpful I am a new beginner at age 80 and I have a very small studio apartment so not much space but I’ve got to keep trying some are beautiful sun gets great end of the cup before they ever get a chance to dry then I take the cup and put it on a trivet or tile and some of them have been very beautiful thank you thank you So much for helping us figure out our mistakes what a blessing you have been to me I’m still trying

  23. Thanks for a great list. I have my supplies, watched the videos and read books and articles. Now I just have to get over the initial fear. I especially like the get in the zone comment and you are never too old:-)

  24. Oh have covered everything I’ve done wrong! Like Elke, I’ve just turned 70 and could not pass up the opportunity to try this wonderful artsy craft. But my 2 car garage has taken a most colorful beating in the process and onward I continue to get it RIGHT!
    I marched right into it head first and what a gorgeous mess I made. The most important mistake I found was not taking the time to slowly and deliberately prepare and not jump in with eyes closed. When you open your eyes you realize you’ve created a monster of a mess and nothing is by any means slightly attractive!LOL Thank goodness I am a person who can laugh (most times out loud) at myself. But I wont give up. I’m obsessed with pouring videos and I will get this right at least once, I hope. Thanks for your great advice. I only wish I had read it sooner. Maybe you could put a banner on Pinterest warning potential Pourers to read and re read your great info. I will be passing this on to a professional artist friend who I have convinced she needs to try pouring. Thanks again
    Ps. Your references to paint mishaps had me belly laughing. Especially the yellow on hubby’s shoe!! Great stuff!

  25. Thank you for the article, I decided at 56 that I wanted to paint, so I watched a few hundred paint videos, invested a few hundred dollars and began…… After twenty major fails went the cheaper route, read more tutorial on pouring, had another 20 fails almost gave up, then read your article and your right. Don’t give up, it’s supposed to be fun and my kids love my work and so does my grandkids. So I kept trying. And yesterday (year later) a friend of a friend of a friend was a guest at my house and asked to buy my 23 mistake, yes I numbered them all. Who knew???? So thank you for helping me not give up.

  26. Roxanne Starke

    This is a great article, which I read, subcribed and purchased course about a year ago, it was very helpful to me and I have been pouring ever since but still feel I have a lot to learn. It started out as a new craft to learn, Im one of those artsy fartsy people that likes to try and master different kinds of arts and crafts. I never really intended to sell my work but I saw others selling theirs and everyone likes my work and I have sold a few and said why not at least maybe I can recover some of what Ive spent on my new hobby. I have been commissioned to create a few. Recently a couple, that absolutely love my work, asked me to pour for their new home, which has huge walls and vaulted ceiling. They actually wanted 8ft paintings but i have got them to agree to several 4′ x 5′. Now the largest painting Ive ever done is 24” x 36”. They loved it even though I was not completely satisfied with it. While I am waiting for them to decide on colors and style (the wife is an interior decorator and is having a real hard time deciding) I am getting cold feet and doubting myself, I have in the mean time been watching videos of large pours and working my way up to larger canvases. So I have noticed that the larger the painting the harder it is to maintain the composition if Im even able to create what could be considered composition lol. So to continue to keep a short story, very long, I really need some tips and guidance here and whatever words of advice, knowledge or experience anyone could give me would be so greatly appreciated. Thank so very much!

  27. Hello
    I am new to this and love the challenge frustrating as it is, however I live in North Cyprusand the availability of mediums is very limited , due to this I have been using 60%PVA and 40% water.
    Please can you give me a guide as to how much of this mixture is required to add to paint to create a flip. Have been trying and going nuts as the paint hardly moves. Even though it looks fluid enough.
    Have been mixing half and half .
    Thank you for your very informative site .


    1. I’m so sure I understand what you mean by PVA but when I do pour art and I don’t have pouring medium I use a 50-50 ratio of paint to water because it is still pourable, Just thicker without the pouring medium. I hope that helped, I’m still new to this, also it dries faster when you use water and not pouring medium. 🙂

  28. My advice when pouring is be careful when using black,even in small amounts it tends to dominate, stick to primary colours they love each other, add a bit of silver and gold it gives that little bit extra. If you don’t like what you’ve done then scrape it off and start again, I’ve done this many times. Two very important things, when you paint something you like you will find it very hard to give it away to someone, the paintings are a part of you after all, and once you have success take a breather, don’t make too many at one time, it then becomes a chore.

    1. Yes! I remember the first time I used black and I used to much of it and it swallowed the paint so it was basically a black canvas, so when I went back to use it I didn’t use as much as before and used some white so it wouldn’t be too dark and it came out really well, but the canvas had a hole so I’m keeping that to hang up in my room.

  29. I’m a young artist and I found pour art through a youtuber I was watch, she tried it and I went to the video she watch and I remember the first time I tried it, the last canvas I did i rushed it cause for some reason I was upset and just blotches of paint on the canvas but now I feel like I have gotten better and I am thinking of selling some of my art, none the less this was super helpful.

  30. Hello I am 81 and started to do acrylic pour in the last month,i did watch lots of videos on utube,bought ALL the gear and sold my 5th one and then got a commission to do a fairly large one which turned out beautifully.the one i have trouble with is the flower one you do with the napkin,have had three fails.

  31. i only started last year,needed something new to do.happy to say I sold my 3rd 4th and 5th paintings and a few others since.I am 82 years old so you are never to old to start something new.

  32. I want to learn acrylic painting, I have the time now that I’m retired. I do not have a basement or room in my duplex. I am going to purchase a 10’x 10′ canopy one that can close. I live in Texas, so the summers can be very hot. How will this work? I also want to learn how to put resin on my art work, will this work if working outside.

  33. Thanks for all your wonderful tips! As suggested here, I am researching and watching videos, fb groups and pages, you tube, and Pinterest, before I do my first official pour. Since I do other types of painting and illustrating, I did a couple sample runs with just watered down Acrylics and used the resulting marbled looks as backgrounds for some Artwork. I almost have all my supplies to do my first pour and can’t wait to get set up and just do it! Thanks again!

  34. Hmmmmmmm ……

    Well that was a complete waste of my time reading that load of old nonsensical gibberish!

    Thanks for absolutely nothing!

  35. Loved that list. I would say that applies to most art. Art journaling, drawing, anything really. Don’t give up, if you love it, keep at it! Great article.

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