Flip Cup on Top of a Previous Failed Painting

Well, that last painting I did with the spiral on a white background was a bust. It just didn’t come out like I had hoped. But I still had half a cup of that paint left over and the canvas is still wet. Let’s see if I can pull this painting from the jaws of disaster with a flip cup on top of that failure.

Acrylic pouring paint tutorial video for a flip cup with gold metallic accents

I tilted the still-wet painting to remove most of the excess but still leave enough paint on there for the flip cup to be able to use it as a good base and spread out well (fingers crossed) over the top to cover it up and make it better. But the paint had been in the cup a while, and had already been pretty mixed up from pouring it and then setting it down several times. I was concerned the colors would be all mixed and too muddy seeing I didn’t have a lot of contrast in there to start with. But these pretty colors and metallics were too good to waste so let’s give it a try with a flip cup over the top and see what happens!

Materials used in this project:
Left over paints from other projects in purple, magenta, turquoise, gold and white
10 inch stretched canvas from multi-pack
Treadmill belt silicone

The paints varied a little in their mix but were approx 1:2 Floetrol to paint, plus water as necessary. Approx 1 drop of silicone per small pot of color.

Yippee – a pretty painting pulled from the jaws of disaster. Phew, it was touch and go for a minute there but I’m so glad I gave this a try and didn’t just scrap it. The colors are really pretty and the gold is a lovely touch running through it.  This one is listed in my Etsy shop here.

As usual, here is my slideshow of photos for this painting, both wet and dry, and close ups of the details. Thank you for watching.

5 thoughts on “Flip Cup on Top of a Previous Failed Painting”

  1. This is really lovely,I have just started doing flip cup pouring……and I love it….I have been painting for a about Thirty years with oils and this is a welcome difference,watched over a hundred pours from many artist and was so amazed could wait to start,also a have started resin painting also.Thank you for all the great tips and videos.

  2. Hi Deby,

    I just discovered this painting technique a couple of days ago. Since then I have watched lots of videos, but I enjoy your videos the most! You said your previous painting was a failure, but failures only occur when we don’t learn from our mistakes. Without your “failure” you would not have produced this beautiful piece of art. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

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