7 Pink Pour Paintings To Give You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

We gathered some awesome pink pours from our Facebook Group Acrylic Pouring. Pink can sometimes be a tricky color to use right, but hopefully these paintings will inspire you on how you can use it effectively.

For those of you new to pouring (or who need a refresher) check out our in-depth guides below:

The Complete Acrylic Pouring Techniques Guide

Supplies You Need to Get Started With Acrylic Pouring for Beginners

Top 10 Mistakes (Most) Acrylic Pourers Make

So, without any further ado, let’s take a look at the pink pour paintings that can give you a warm fuzzy feeling.


by Julie Cutts

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Julie is a marvelous artist. No matter whether it’s about coasters or flowers, Julie always stands out among others. She’s an active member of the group and gets plenty of appreciation for her work.

Julie’s comments about this pink pour painting:

I really love how using only two colors, pink and purple, can create so many other colors, just by adding black and white. White creates subtle colors while black makes the bright colors pop.

You can follow Julie on Youtube if you’re interested in knowing how she makes these beautiful paintings.

The Pink Garden

by Margaret Joseph

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Here is what Margaret says about this painting:

I have always found inspiration for painting from flowers as they are so beautiful. My own garden provides me with plenty of ideas at different times of the year.

Tickled Pink

by Mitzu Mi

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Here is what Mitzu says about this post:

This painting was inspired by spectroscopy and heartbeat EKG. Each peak symbolizes our daily thrives through the random noise that tries to defocus us. The painting is meant to remind us that at the end of the day we make it, we thrive. With the creation of this painting, I also hoped to bring the “tickled pink feeling” the feeling of joy, accomplishment, and thrive to the viewers.

You can follow Mitzu on Facebook and see other pieces of art.


by Mike Martin

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Martin’s Comment:

I don’t typically work with pink that often, I was inspired by Paris. I was in the process of doing some skyline pieces and this was the backdrop for my Paris piece. It’s one of my favorites I’ve done.

You can find Martin’s artwork on Facebook and Instagram.

Sweet Galaxy

Daniela Caliope

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Daniela’s thoughts about this painting:

Pink is the color of universal love. This sweet color represents friendship, affection and it always brings harmony and inner peace. These are the reasons why I was inspired to create a Pink Pour piece.

The Bloom

by Bobbi Willmer

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Bobbi says it was his first attempt on flowers with a balloon and it went pretty well.

You can follow her on Facebook and see more of her work.

Happy Accident

by Karla Nathan

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Karla’s Comment:

Believe it or not, this started as a multi pastel and black swipe to use up all of my leftovers today. It soon became a grey blob of boring. I thought I’d add pink over the top, it looked like a wad of gum dropped on a sidewalk. Next thing I know, I’m swirling the pink into a rose with a stick and some white.

We’ve collected these pink or paintings from our Facebook group and they’re pretty impressive. You can also join our group and start publishing your artwork there. If you’re already a member and want to be featured in our upcoming blog, just keep posting your beautiful paintings and we’ll reach out to you.

3 thoughts on “7 Pink Pour Paintings To Give You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling”

  1. Claire Vanfleteren

    Die roos is schitterend gemaakt, hoe doe je de giet???
    Bedankt bij voorbaat
    Claire Vanfleteren

  2. Sweet Galaxy by; Daniela Caliope
    Tickled Pink: by Mitzu Mi
    Just wow amazingly beautiful pieces.
    This kind of art is so gratifying to see the unique
    Ways the paint will form at the end from where it started. Oh, and I especially know that’s the case with, Happy Accident; by Karla Nathan
    I know she’s smiling about her accident that’s pink & beautiful!!!
    Good job to everyone though they are all just gorgeous 🥰

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