Free Green: A Simple Flip Cup Pour Using Just Two Colors

One of the many things I love about making acrylic pour paintings is how one idea leads to another. In this case I had previously created a pour using just the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. I used the three colors in roughly equal amounts and the painting turned out lovely, but I was shocked by how little of the yellow showed up.

Instantly I began planning my next pour! One thing led to another, and I decided to eliminate the red altogether and just use yellow and blue. I was intrigued by the idea of using these two primary colors, because I knew they should produce the secondary color green. It would be three for the price of two—or as I dubbed it, Free Green!

Supplies I Used

  • BULK-KRYLIC paint made by Nasco. The two colors are:
    • Phthalo Blue
    • Chrome Yellow
  • Silicone by 3in1 (That really is the name of the company that makes it, they also make a three-in-one oil.)
  • Zinsser Paint Booster (a.k.a., Zinsser Flow Control Additive)
  • Water (In Atlanta, I use the water right out of the faucet, but I’m told that in a lot of areas of the country you need to use bottled water.)

In this pour I continue to use the new-to-me brand of paint Bulk-Krylic by Nasco (available on Amazon). The paint is nice and thick, which required me to thin it out with water. And I like to add a shot of Zinsser Paint Booster to help it flow even better.

I also added some silicone to both colors to increase the number of cells. Equally important is what I left out of the painting: I did not use any white or black paint. This is truly a two-color pour. The pour was done on a 12-by-12-inch canvas.

I was thrilled with the result! The paint mixed beautifully. There were strong areas of both blue and yellow, plus the blue and yellow also blended to create a lovely “garden green.” The flip cup technique provided instant gratification. As I lifted the cup up, a perfectly round world of color exploded on the canvas.

The first three to four seconds after the cup is lifted are always my favorite part of a pour. At that moment, I imagine that I somehow have the perfect view of a new world being created. I feel both proud and humbled as I watch the colors that I prepared just moments before take on a life of their own.

This acrylic pour was a huge success and seemed to form more quickly and easily than most. I used a torch, but it probably wasn’t needed because large beautiful cells appeared from the very beginning.

I hope you enjoy watching the “birth” of this painting as much as I enjoyed making it. If you would like to see more of my work, please visit my Esty store. Use this link or go to and search for “Art By Steve Shaw.”

Frequently Asked Questions About Simple Flip Cup Pour

1. Can only two colors be used in a flip cup pour?

While this article focuses on using two colors, you can use multiple colors for varied effects.

2. Is a special cup needed for a flip cup pour?

 No special cup is required; any plastic cup will work.

3.How can I prevent the colors from mixing too much in a flip cup pour?

 Pouring the colors slowly and carefully can help prevent excessive mixing.

4. Can I use silicone in a two-color flip cup pour?

 Yes, silicone can be used to create cells.

5. How long does a flip cup pour take to dry?

 Typically, it takes between 24 to 72 hours for a flip cup pour to dry completely.

6. Is a pouring medium necessary for a flip cup pour?

Using a pouring medium can help in achieving a better flow and consistency.

7. Can beginners attempt a flip cup pour?

Yes, a flip cup pour is a versatile technique suitable for artists of all levels.

2 thoughts on “Free Green: A Simple Flip Cup Pour Using Just Two Colors”

  1. Sandra Ferland

    This just inspired me to do my fist public “flip n sip”.
    Thanks to you, Steve, I can do this!

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