Embellishing a Blue Horse Painting

I am currently working on a horse series. I have owned horses for over 25 years and am currently living in Ocala Florida, the horse capital of the world. My love for horses has inspired this new horse series.

The following painting and video are simply titled Blue Horse 2. This is a 18×24 inch dirty pour flipped on canvas where the image is sketched then taped off around the outside.

This horse was first drawn on canvas. I then used painters tape to put around the outside of my drawing to contain the pour. I then layered my paints in one cup with a couple silicone drops and flipped the cup.  When this paint dried I removed the tape and I hand painted the details with acrylics.


When the paint dried I remove the tape and I hand painted the details with acrylics.

Acrylic Pouring Horse

With this new found passion of flow art I’ve been finding new ways to incorporate my realistic art with this abstract/organic art. This combination of art is producing some amazing results.


23 thoughts on “Embellishing a Blue Horse Painting”

  1. This is crazy amazing. You have done such a wonderful job using your talent and forethought. Great work!

  2. That’s amazing!
    We were doing rescues and rehabs for a while here, but it got to be too much for my daughter and her full time job(s!). I can’t handle them so I stood by and watched.
    I will be attempting to do some acrylic pours, but it may be years before I get to do embellished pours like yours. I look forward to seeing more of your horse series!

    1. Hi Linda
      That is amazing . I never new just how hard it was to paint the features of a horse head. Until i tryed drawing one for my sister who loves horses. Ill keep having a go.

  3. Love the horse pouring.
    I’m anxious to see how you did the rest.
    Would also like to see how you did the cutout of the tape of the outline

    1. Yes, my videos are in need of more info and lots of tweaks. A whole new ballgame for me but I will get back at it.

      Thank you for you kind words.

  4. I love the painting. I highly recommend that you pull your camera back for your next video. The camera was so close to the canvas that you didn’t capture everything. I would have liked to see as you interested paint in the pour cup. I also would have liked to see the entire canvas as you were tilting it. It is very helpful when you tell us what your doing and why as you do it. There was a pretty long time when there was no talk. Excellent information. Im looking forward to seeing you finish the piece.

  5. Greetings! I have come to a point in my acrylic pour painting that I feel I’ve done everything I can with it but I was mistaken when I saw your horse acrylic pour painting. You have inspired me beyond my own beliefs in what I can get done. Thanks so much.

  6. Loved what you did with the horse. However, some constructive criticism:
    1. The video was way too long. There was too much time that wasn’t interesting for viewers. I almost turned it off at this stage!!
    2. Put the video on ‘pause’ while you do some of the ‘boring’ stuff and when you start again, either tell us what you just did or type it on the screen.
    3. A lot of your work when pouring went offscreen, so the camera needs to be pulled back a little.

    Once again, I absolutely loved what you did.

  7. I am just viewing this video. I realize you did it some time ago. How did you do the curve of tape on the canvas? Thank you for your time.

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