Acrylic Pouring Cells Recipe: Detailed Instructions to Make Beautiful Cells

An understanding about pigment density and the specific gravity of paints and how you can use that info to help you create cells.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cells in Acrylic Pouring

1. What is the significance of cells in acrylic pouring?

Cells are distinct patterns created when different densities of paint react, adding visual interest and complexity to the artwork.

2. Can I create cells without silicone?

 Silicone is a popular additive for creating cells, but other products like dimethicone or treadmill lubricant can also be used.

3. How can I achieve large cells in my pour?

 Using a torch and tilting the canvas slowly can help in achieving larger cells.

4. How much silicone should I add to my paint mix?

 Typically, a few drops are sufficient, but it can vary depending on the desired effect.

5. Should I mix the silicone thoroughly into the paint?

 Light mixing is recommended as thorough mixing can diminish the cell effect.

6. Can I use any type of paint to create cells?

 Fluid acrylics or acrylics mixed with pouring mediums generally work best for creating cells.

7. How long do artworks with cells take to dry?

It generally takes between 24 to 72 hours, but it can vary based on environmental conditions and paint thickness.

18 thoughts on “Acrylic Pouring Cells Recipe: Detailed Instructions to Make Beautiful Cells”

  1. Cindy Vilinskis

    I use resin in my acrylic paints but i am having a problem getting very big cells. Do you know what i am doing wrong?

    1. I think because you are using resin you can’t expect to get the same results as if you were using paints. Resin is a totally different medium to work in, needs different techniques and different additives. You can use a product called Resi-blast to make cells. Check it out here

    2. Resin is too thick and needs different specific techniques in order to create cells but are always thf smaller cells when using resin. The paints just need to be thin enough to br able to create the cells because if the paint is too thick & heavy to move easily then its gonna be too thick to react and move to react with the others. Be careful tho cuz if too thin they will mix too much creating mud /sludge. So u gotta learn the medium between the 2. Also , I dont know if I agree on his science of the cell making due to gravity cuz I believe and test the theory everyday that has taught me that its a reaction between the paints that is necessary to creating cells. In order to get them to react you need your different colors to includet additives that do not mix well. Causing the paint to separate (react). Its all trial & error really.

  2. The weight of the pigments was the most informational part of the video but, I don’t know if it had to do with the size of his canvas, I was disappointed with the size of the cells. I work with larger canvases and those cells wouldn’t show up or make an impact. Are there any other videos to show creating large cells? Thanks!

  3. Tóth Magdolna

    Az a kattogó pisztoly-szerű mini kompresszor,amely szétveti a cellákat,/babósz/mi a neve annak,és hol lehet hozzájutni?

  4. So if you were doing a dirty pour…. would you reverse the order of the paints in your pour cup? (i.e., putting the Titan Buff on the bottom of the cup?)

  5. I love cells. However, sometimes I do not want cells. Is there any way to produce a work without cells.

  6. Can we use floeterol alongwith something to give it a sheen,or is their any topcoat to give it a shine .

  7. I watched your video on your formula for mixing your paints. I was so confused and bothered by everyone that has their own formulas. I gave up googled the formula that I was using and found out that it was okay to do so I have been using it. Your formula is very close to what I do and you have made me feel so very comfortable with your formula. I cannot thank you enough. I look no further, I am done. You have made it so simple and so easy to do. My original formula was just paint and water to the consistency that I wanted to have. Then I started adding a pouring medium and was not fond of that and I have mixed up more paints then I want with the pouring medium. I have written down your formula and fill this is all I need to know. What is your option of paint and just water? I noticed that your paint was very water thin I take it that with all of your research that you know that does not cause any problems. Do you put a varnish on your paintings when you are done?
    I have been using a spray varnish for acrylic painting. What are your thoughts on that? Thank you again for putting my mind at ease and feeling so comfortable for what you are using. I am done looking for any more mixing of paints. All my best to you and I subscribed and look forward to watching you seeing what you do. If you have the opportunity I would love to hear from you.

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